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trailtips iconOld Indian Trick/or How Long until Sunset?

Luke 21:8 not deceived...

John 14:6...I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Sinking Shipcartoon characters 0147

Little Wranglers Ages 4 & 5

Highly illustrated fun message!

One of Five Messages from the Lifeline Nautical Series.

Available in Wranglers, ages 6-12 and Little Wranglers, ages 4 & 5.

Activities included.

Three Kinds of Fishcartoon characters 0147

Wranglers Ages 6-12

Highly illustrated fun message!

One of Five Messages from the Lifeline Nautical Series.

Available in Wranglers, ages 6-12 and Little Wranglers, ages 4 & 5.

Suggested Devotional:  Treasure Hunt Workbook

Two People Puppet Script regarding Holy Living.

trailtips iconIf you spit into the wind; you will get a quick return.

Galatians 6:7

Three Kinds of Fishcartoon characters 0147

Little Wranglers Ages 4 & 5

Highly illustrated fun message!

One of Five Messages from the Lifeline Nautical Series.

Available in Wranglers, ages 6-12 and Little Wranglers, ages 4 & 5.

Activities included.

One People Puppet plus a Dog Puppet.  Subject of confessing sin and forgiveness.

Treasure Hunt Messagecartoon characters 0147

Little Wranglers Ages 4 & 5

Highly illustrated fun message!

One of Five Messages from the Lifeline Nautical Series.

Available in Wranglers, ages 6-12 and Little Wranglers, ages 4 & 5.

Activities included.

trailtips iconToo many irons in the fire may result in costly mistakes.

Galatians 1:6 I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel..

Treasure Hunt Messagecartoon characters 0147

Wranglers Ages 6-12

Highly illustrated fun message!

One of Five Messages from the Lifeline Nautical Series.

Available in Wranglers, ages 6-12 and Little Wranglers, ages 4 & 5.

Activities included.

Unseen Captaincartoon characters 0147

Little Wranglers Ages 4 & 5

Highly illustrated fun message!

One of Five Messages from the Lifeline Nautical Series.

Available in Wranglers, ages 6-12 and Little Wranglers, ages 4 & 5.

Activities included.

Unseen Captaincartoon characters 0147

Wranglers Ages 6-12

Highly illustrated fun message!

One of Five Messages from the Lifeline Nautical Series.

Available in Wranglers, ages 6-12 and Little Wranglers, ages 4 & 5.

Suggested Devotional:  Treasure Hunt Workbook

Which Cross? The Right or the Left?

Message intended for all ages except for Little Wranglers.  It is not presented on age levels, but rather written as presented to an adult Easter Audience. Therefore, it is an ADAPTABLE message suitable for Easter and adaptable to your audience level as well.


vine john 15 iconThe Vine of John 15

Lesson plus Worksheet

Originally written for Ages 1st-6th Grade & Pre-Teen.

judgeJudgmental or Wisdom?

Lesson & Discussion

Written originally for ages 1st - 6th Grades. Well received at Pre-Teen Level also.

Are you judging or are you showing wisdom? Excellent Discussion for Pre-Teen and Teen Levels.

Two People Puppet Script regarding the Bible.

A Farrier's Bible Illustrated Message

Adult WranglersHorses 0011

A Stand-Alone Message to use while shoeing a horse; an optional Youtube is also suggested as an alternative to use in presentation.

Available also in Teen Wranglers, Wranglers, and Little Wranglers.

Two People Puppet Script Telling Others About Jesus.

A Farrier's Bible Illustrated Message

Teen WranglersHorses 0011

A Stand-Alone Message to use while shoeing a horse; an optional Youtube is also suggested as an alternative to use in presentation.

Available also in Adult Wranglers, Wranglers, and Little Wranglers.

Mother's Day TeaHenryetta Pose

Our puppet Henryetta Hen & Francine interact in a presentation made for People's Baptist Church in 2004. The script is a SUGGESTION and ADAPTABLE for your use; an idea if you will; that hopefully will assist in your ministry involving puppets and special outreaches or events.

Bonus: Enjoy Henryetta Hen's poem to her mother.

Pure entertainment.

A Farrier's Bible Illustrated Message

WranglersHorses 0011

A Stand-Alone Message to use while shoeing a horse; an optional Youtube is also suggested as an alternative to use in presentation.

Available also in Adult Wranglers, Teen Wranglers, and Little Wranglers.

A Farrier's Bible Illustrated Message

Little WranglersHorses 0011

A Stand-Alone Message to use while shoeing a horse.

Available also in Adult Wranglers, Teen Wranglers, and Wranglers.

He Built a Hot RodHot Rod

Stand-alone message presented in a parking lot to a group of after-school camper students with our 1932 Ford Roadster.

Deals with Building on the Foundation.

2020/Ron Singleterry

Three Times it was Quiet in Heaven

Message presented in adult/teen church levels and adapted to Wranglers on occasion. 

Revelation 8:1 And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about the space of half an hour.

Easter Prophecies TimelineCelebrations 0152

An interactive, participation, highly visual and easy to teach Easter Lesson.

Material easily breakable for two to four lessons.

The Easter Prophecy Timeline Worksheet is included.

Lesson ties together Old Testament prophecies with New Testament fulfillments.


When Easter BeganEaster Began

Easter Lesson/Message suitable for ages 1st grade through Adults with only slight adaptation.

Easter Puzzle Word Search

A simple Word Search for the Easter Season.

Bible Mysteries CrosswordMYSTERY

A general and easy Crossword Puzzle to supplement teaching or classroom Bible Use Learning.

Students will need to utilize a Bible to find the answers.

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