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Got Grit! Crafts:GOT GRIT POSTER

Variety of Suggested Crafts and Compassion Activities selected to assist in Lessons of Got Grit!

Suggested for ages 4 years through 2nd grades [although adaptable to older groups in most cases.]

boldknightWho is Knocking? Melodrama

  • Based on the King's Return
  • Four Scenes
  • Lady GRIN-a Vere
  • Sir Meekly
  • Knight PRANCE-a lot
  • Other Fun Characters

Originally written to coincide with Be Brave Be Bold Series.

Trek to Wildcat Mountain Crossword:Wildcat

From the VBS Wildcat Mountain, this crossword is the center page of Wildcat Mountain Workbook. Suitable as a supplement or stand-alone.

Ultimate Time Ride Lessons ages 1st-2nd Grades:PBR FREE LOGO

  • That Big Bang they keep talking about...
  • Time Travelers
  • A Split in Time
  • Divergence Time Warp
  • Light at the end of the Time Tunnel

 [Crafts for Lessons found at Ultimate Time Crafts, a separate document.]

I'll Get it Done: Little WranglersWranglerWarriors Icon

Romans 12:1 & Ephesians 4: 17-25

  • Eight Messages available in Wrangler Warriors Series or as Stand-Alones.
  • Utilizes a common dally [western illustration]. Easily explained for the non-western culture.
  • Each Lesson centers arount One point! Well illustrated! Easily Understood!
  • Available in several age levels with supplemental -optional worksheets.

ChristmasPropheciesIconChristmas Prophecies: Right on Time

Daniel 9:25

Several Christmas Prophecies to choose from or tie together.

Illustrated! Written for Ages 1st-6th Grades.

Treasure Hunt WorkbookTreasure Map Workbook Cover

Recommend Ages 6-12

Originally written to coincide with Lifeline or Old Ship of Zion Series.

Treasure Workbook  Printing & Assembly Instructions.

Sheets can be double sided run to use only three 8 ½ x 11 sheets.

Use card stock for the Cover.

Layout is as follows:

  • Back to Back TW pages 6 & 3 runs back to back with pages 4-5 [Center pages with Puzzle]
  • Back to Back TW pages 2 & 7 runs back to back with pages 1 & 8.
  • Back to Back TW Cover runs on Card Stock back to back with FLIP OF COVER document.
  1. Place on a flat surface so that cover will be on the outside.
  2. Place pages so that numerical sequences will be in order once folded in half.
  3. Simply staple in the center fold with a long reach stapler.

trailtips iconFill your canteen before you have need of it.

Ephesians 5:18 ...but be filled with the Spirit..

What's your canteen filled with?

trailtips iconFill Two lamps; one with oil and one with water.

Matthew 25:8 And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lanps are gone out.

HebrewsHebrews: Crossing Point

Hebrews: Crossing Point:

  • Six Part Adult Bible Study
  • Suitable for Small Groups or Private Study
  • Helpful especially in understanding God's overall plan for redemption.

Unbridled Fire Crossword:smokey cowhorse 0013

Originally done for Unbridled Fire VBS Workbook; suitable as a supplement or stand-alone.

Ultimate Time Ride Lessons Ages 3rd-4th GradePBR FREE LOGO

  • That Big Bang they keep Talking About...
  • Time Travelers
  • A Split in Time
  • Divergence Time Warp
  • Light at the End of the Time Tunnel

Doing the Best I Can: Little WranglersWranglerWarriors Icon

Matthew 19: 16-30....what good thing shall I do....

  • Eight Messages available in Wrangler Warriors Series or as Stand-Alones.
  • Utilizes a common dally [western illustration]. Easily explained for the non-western culture.
  • Each Lesson centers arount One point! Well illustrated! Easily Understood!
  • Available in several age levels with supplemental -optional worksheets.

Three People Puppet Script regarding Obedience and Truth.

Whirlwind Ranch Crossword:WhirlwindCute

Originally part of the Whirlwind Ranch VBS Workbook. Suitable for stand-alone or supplemental use.

Ultimate Time Ride Lessons Ages 5th-6th Grade:PBR FREE LOGO

  • That Big Bang they keep Talking About....
  • Time Travelers
  • A Split in Time
  • Divergence Time Warp
  • Light at the End of the Time Tunnel

warheroes2 coverPDF version of War Heroes: Victories Workbook/Devotional optimized for viewing.

biggestgiftBiggest Christmas Gift I Ever Got

Written for Ages 1st-6th Grades: Adaptable to younger Ages.

Illustrated! Easily Taught!

trailtips iconMake sure your hankerin' for the right things.

Psalm 37:4 Delight thyself also in the LORD: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.

A verse often misunderstood. Enlightening Trail Tip!

Wrangler Ranger Crossword:wildwestbronc

Originally part of our first VBS Wrangler Ranger Camp, crossword is suitable as a stand-alone or supplement.

Ultimate Time Ride Lessons for Teens & Older:PBR FREE LOGO

  • That Big Bang they keep Talking About...
  • Time Travelers
  • A Split in Time
  • Divergence Time Warp
  • Light at the End of the Time Tunnel

trailtips iconDon't be running around like a chicken with your head cut off.

Hebrews 12:1 Wherefore ...let us run with patience the race that is set before us.

trailtips iconJust because everyone else is jumpin' into the creek doesn't mean tha you have to!

1 Timothy 6:11 But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness.

ship of zion mediumVictory at Sea

  • 5 Scene Melodrama
  • Excellent!
  • Funny!
  • On Point!

Originally written to coincide with Lifeline Nautical Series.

Proverbs Journal (Print Version)

Proverbs Journal (Print Version)

Use as a Stand-Alone Devotional or as a supplement when teaching from the Book of Proverbs.

Easy Print and Easy Assembly.

Time Line Supplement:PBR FREE LOGO

Supplement to assist in Illustration and Understanding for Ultimate Timeline Lessons

Two People Puppet Script depicting Christ's Return.

Fishers of Mencartoon characters 0147

Little Wranglers Ages 4 & 5

Highly illustrated fun message!

One of Five Messages from the Lifeline Nautical Series.

Available in Wranglers, ages 6-12 and Little Wranglers, ages 4 & 5.

Activities included.

gift horseLooking a Gift Horse in the Mouth

Accept No Substitutes!

Written for ages 4th Grade & Older.

A Lesson to Compare Substitutes with the Real Thing.

Illustrations include Comparing a generic vs a brand name Cola in a blind taste test.  Several different illustrations. Lots of Bible !!

Hint: While we would NEVER take away the "fun" of Christmas and NEVER teach this to a classroom of younger children, this proves a profitable message for kids 4th Grade and older. If you are a tremendous fan of Santa, you might not like this one.

trailtips iconA knot in your rope makes it hard to use.

Galatians 5:1 Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free; and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.

Proverbs Journal for Viewing

Proverbs Journal (Viewing Document)

Easily Printed and Assembled!  Use as a stand-alone devotional or supplement to teaching from the Book of Proverbs.


Ultimate Time Ride Crafts:PBR FREE LOGO

Variety of Suggested Crafts selected to assist in Lessons of Ultimate Time Ride.

Suggested for ages 4 years through 2nd grades [although adaptable to older groups in most cases.]


Christmas Puppet Script with Two People Puppets.

Fishers of Mencartoon characters 0147

Wranglers Ages 6-12

Highly illustrated fun message!

One of Five Messages from the Lifeline Nautical Series.

Available in Wranglers, ages 6-12 and Little Wranglers, ages 4 & 5.

Suggested Devotional & Workbook:  Treasure Hunt Workbook

trailtips iconDon't Feed on the Loco Weed.

James 1:18 A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.

SagaCOMICAL Melodrama

  • Multiple Biblical Principles.
  • Excellent for VBS, Camps, Youth Churches.
  • Four Acts that can be combined for fewer if desired.
  • "Clete the Cheat"
  • "Ellie Mae"
  • Additional characters as well.

Sinking Shipcartoon characters 0147

Wranglers Ages 6-12

Highly illustrated fun message!

One of Five Messages from the Lifeline Nautical Series.

Available in Wranglers, ages 6-12 and Little Wranglers, ages 4 & 5.

Suggested Devotional:  Treasure Hunt Workbook

trailtips iconNever play leapfrog with a longhorn.

Proverbs 14:12 & Proverbs 16:25 There is a way that seemteth right unto a man, but the end thereof  are the ways of death.

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