Wrangler Church
Free Ministry Resources
Children & Salvation
"But Jesus called them unto him, & said, "Suffer little children to come unto me, & forbid them not; for of such is the Kingdom of God."

Luke 18:16

Free Curriculum

Over 50 Lesson Series including 660+ Lessons; Plus Stand-Alones, 12 VBS/Camp Packages, Melodramas, Puppet Scripts, & Devotionals.

Womens Bible Studies

ELEVEN Presentation Style Wrangler Women's Bible Studies online...

wrangler Devotionals
Over 300 FREE DEVOTIONALS to view, share, & download.
Stable Faith VBS
NEW 2025 VBS/Camp/Series

...for such a Time as this...
Training Slides & VIdeo
Wrangler Church TRAINING slides on 7 subjects!

How to....
Assist & Exhort
Wrangler Church Ministries is a FREE AID to churches.

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Oh my goodness, what a Godsend. My husband and I are in the process of starting a cowboy church in Auburn, AL. We started meeting in October with 4 & have grown to about 25. .....I have been looking for literature for children. I was so excited to find your website from an email that my husband received.......Please keep this site up and going. I am also interested in your puppet Henryetta.....

Cathy Walker
Cowboy Church of Lee County
Auburn AL

Wrangler Kids