Wrangler Church
Free Ministry Resources
Children & Salvation
"But Jesus called them unto him, & said, "Suffer little children to come unto me, & forbid them not; for of such is the Kingdom of God."

Luke 18:16

Free Curriculum

Over 50 Lesson Series including 660+ Lessons; Plus Stand-Alones, 12 VBS/Camp Packages, Melodramas, Puppet Scripts, & Devotionals.

Womens Bible Studies

ELEVEN Presentation Style Wrangler Women's Bible Studies online...

wrangler Devotionals
Over 300 FREE DEVOTIONALS to view, share, & download.
Stable Faith VBS
NEW 2025 VBS/Camp/Series

...for such a Time as this...
Training Slides & VIdeo
Wrangler Church TRAINING slides on 7 subjects!

How to....
Assist & Exhort
Wrangler Church Ministries is a FREE AID to churches.

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Wrangler Church has been such a blessing to Cowboy Church of Tarrant County. The kids love it, they really enjoy our “cow” Dixie Belle who keeps us all laughing the whole time! After Dixie Belle’s skit we rein the kids in with a few songs and then present the message from the Wrangler Church website. Our favorite parts are the games at the end when the kids compete to see who can remember the most about the lesson or previous lessons! The monthly newsletter is also an important part of our program because it gets the kids excited about what is to come and helps the parents stay in the loop as well. We are so thankful for all Ron and Francine have taught us, God is using them to do such mighty work in His kingdom!

~Morgan Shimanek/CCTC Children's Team Lead [Ft. Worth]

Wrangler Kids