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trailhorseSUPER FUN!

Wild Wild West Melodrama:

  • 3 acts using 4 people
  • Zorro-like Hero
  • Sheriff
  • Cowgirl Heroin
  • Villian-Silly the Kid.
  • Teaches a Changed Life needed through repentance.

Sawdust Drama PicVery FUN!

Several Act Western Theme People Skit/Melodrama.

Originally used to introduce the Down the Sawdust Trail Cowboy Series. Each week starting the week prior to the beginning of the Series these 2 or 3 minute acts promoted the next week's materials/lessons.

trailtips iconA mirage is a lot like the Party Life.

John 10:10 & Colossians 3:8 & John 6:34

smokey cowhorse 0013Unbridled Fire Wranglers Lessons Ages 3rd-6th Grades:

  • Standing in the Fire
  • Setting the World on Fire
  • Tested by Fire
  • The Finishing Fire

Suggest Using the Fire Brand One Devotional in conjunction.

WildcatTrek to Wildcat Mountain Lessons Ages 7th Grade through Adults.

  • Discovering the Map to Wildcat Mountain
  • Climbing Wildcat Mountain
  • Sorting at Wildcat Mountain
  • The Great Divide at Wildcat Mountain

Suggest Using the Trek Guide Two Wildcat Mountain Devotional to supplement.

Wildcat Trek 1Trek to Wildcat Mountain Workbook 3rd - 6th Grade (Print Version)

Sheets can be double sided run to use only three 8 ½ x 11 sheets.

A nicer result is achieved if you use card stock for the Cover.

Layout is as follows:

  • Back to Back TG pages 6-3 runs back to back with pages 4-5 [Center Pages with Puzzle].
  • Back to Back TG pages 8-1 runs back to back with pages 2-7.
  • Back to Back TG Cover runs on Card Stock back to back with Flip of Cover document.

Assembly Instructions:

  1. Place on a flat surface so that cover will be on the outside.
  2. Place pages so that numerical sequences will be in order once folded in half. Crossword page will be the center fold.
  3. Simply staple in the center fold with a long reach stapler.

Storm Chasers 1Storm Chasers Manual: 1st to 6th Grade (Print Version)

Sheets can be double sided run to use only three 8 ½ x 11 sheets.

A nicer result is achieved if you use card stock for the Cover.

Layout is as follows:

  • Back to Back Storm Chasers Manual pages 6-3 runs back to back with pages 4-5 [Center Pages with Puzzle].
  • Back to Back Storm Chasers Manual pages 8-1 runs back to back with pages 2-7.
  • Back to Back Storm Chasers Manual Cover runs on Card Stock back to back with Flip of Cover “ How to Know”

Assembly Instructions:

  1. Place on a flat surface so that cover will be on the outside.
  2. Place pages so that numerical sequences will be in order once folded in half. Crossword page will be the center fold.
  3. Simply staple in the center fold with a long reach stapler.

Dragon ClipartVarmint Hunt Lessons Ages 7th Grade through Adults:

  • Hog Wild
  • Wild Goose Chase
  • Little Foxes Spoil the Vine
  • Dealing with the Dragon

Suggest Supplement of Varmint Hunting Manual for 7th Grade & Older.

Each of these Lessons are EXCELLENT as Stand-Alone Messages!

ReleasedSeriesIconRRR: Resolved Lessons Wranglers

Three Lessons :

  • Stand your Ground
  • Resolved to Lift up Jesus
  • What Does God Expect of Us?

Also available in Little Wranglers, Teens, & Adults

Follow with RRR Return Lessons [or use RRR Redemption Lessons]

Biblical Figures 0018The Third Day: Teens

What part of "After the Third Day" don't you understand?

They were trying to make sense of it all.

Also available in Little Wranglers, Wranglers, & Adults.

War Heroes Conquest Crossword:WH3

From series War Heroes II , the center page of the Workbook: War Heroes II is undoubtedly one of our HIGHEST recommend series ever!  This crossword is usable as a supplement or stand-alone; but we just can't help but "plug" the entire Lesson Series!! It's that good.

Thundering Herd Wranglers Lessons Ages 3rd-6th Grades:Thundering Herd

  • Who is in the Lead? [Features Mustangs]
  • Where are we Going? [Features Quarter Horses]
  • Dead End at Box Canyon [Features Thoroughbreds]
  • Greener Pastures [Features Appaloosa Horses]

Lessons include Illustrations.

Suggest Using the Horse Sense One Devotional/Workbooks in conjunction.

Sword of the Lord Series Lesson Six:thomsons seasons 0012

New Testament Structure Part One

  • One of Eight Lessons.
  • Each Lesson contains a Word-Challenge; Activity, or Extended "Helps"
  • Extensive Application Lessons on the Use of the Bible.

Lesson Six deals with:

  • Four Gospels
  • Acts and History
  • New Covenant
  • EXCITING Word Challenge; Terminology made Easy.

Favor or Wasted Blessing!Proverbial Cowboy Logo

Proverbs 14:35a The king's favor is toward a wise servant...

  • Illustrates with a Piece of Candy & a Coin
  • One of Twelve Proverbial Cowboy Lessons/Messages
  • Choose One as a Stand-Alone or Use all 12!
  • Perfect for a 15 minute maximum lesson.

Clean Up!WranglerWarriors Icon

Luke 11: 39-42 ....Pharisees make clean the outside.....

  • Eight Messages available in Wrangler Warriors Series or as Stand-Alones.
  • Utilizes a common dally [western illustration]. Easily explained for the non-western culture.
  • Each Lesson centers arount One point! Well illustrated! Easily Understood!
  • Available in several age levels with supplemental -optional worksheets.

NEW!  Family & KIDS Wrangler WIsdom Volume Seven

Numbers 101-115 of 200 in downloadable/printable format.

rangercamplogoFour Separate & Distinct Puppet Scripts:

  • Wrangler Ranger Badge
  • Hope So
  • Clean up my Act
  • Keeping the Record Straight.

Two People Puppet can be used as stand-alones or as part of Wrangler Ranger Camp/VBS 2013.

war heroesDisciplined Soldier

Daniel 1:8  Daniel purposed in his heart.....

What made Daniel to be a man that even the unbelievers would make a big fuss about his spirit?

Written originally for 1st- 6th Grade; has been adapted by many for all ages.

war heroesPatience Payoff

Joshua 14:12 ...Give me this mountain...

Caleb takes the land promised to him by God decades earlier.

Written originally for 1st-6th Grade. Adaptable many many ages.

Assurance of Salvation Worksheet

Worksheet designed to aid with Assurance of Salvation. Geared towards ages 7 through 12, but helpful for anyone looking for scriptural basis for keeping your salvation through God's grace, not by your own works.

fantasy 0944Covert Operation

Three Special Forces Troops break through enemy lines to retrieve water from the Bethlehem well.

  • 2 Samuel 23.
  • One of Nine Messages in War Heroes Two.
  • Suggest Conquests Adult Workbook as Supplement.
  • Also available in Little Wranglers, Wranglers, & Teens.

fantasy 0944Covert Operation

Three Special Forces Troops break through enemy lines to retrieve water from the Bethlehem well.

  • 2 Samuel 23.
  • Craft Activity included.
  • One of Nine Lessons in War Heroes Two.
  • Also available in Wranglers, Teens, & Adults.

fantasy 0944Covert Operation

Three Special Forces Troops break through enemy lines to retrieve water from the Bethlehem well.

  • 2 Samuel 23.
  • One of Nine Lessons in War Heroes Two.
  • Suggest Conquests Teen Workbook as Supplement.
  • Also available in Little Wranglers, Wranglers, & Adults.

fantasy 0944Covert Operation

Three Special Forces Troops break through enemy lines to retrieve water from the Bethlehem well.

  • 2 Samuel 23.
  • One of Nine Lessons in War Heroes Two.
  • Suggest Conquests Wrangler Workbook as Supplement.
  • Also available in Little Wranglers, Teens, & Adults.

Two People Puppet Script & optional Narrator part. Deals with Matthew 6:19-21 and the Priceless Treasure.

Script originally used in Lifeline Nautical Theme Series, but very suitable as a Stand-Alone Puppet Script.

code west logoCode of the West Devotional (Print Version)

Sheets can be double sided run to use only three 8 1/2 x 11 sheets.

A nicer result is acieved if you use card stock for the Cover.

Layout is as follows:

  • Back to Back CW pages 6-3 runs Back to Back with pages 4-5 [Center Pages with Puzzle.]
  • Back to Back CW pages 8-1 runs Back to Back with pages 2-7
  • Back to Back CW Cover runs on Card Stock Back to Back with Flip of Cover document.

Assembly Instructions:

  1. Place on a flat surface so that cover will be on the outside.
  2. Place pages so that numerical sequences will be in order once folded in half. Crossword page will be in the center fold.
  3. Simply staple in the center fold with a long reach stapler.

cowgirlcoverCowgirl Up Journal [Print Version]

Devotional/Workbook to Supplement Cowgirl Heroine Series.

Suitable for Ages 3rd Grade through early Teens.

Sheets can be double sided run to use only three 8 1/2 x 11 sheets.

A nicer result is acieved if you use card stock for the Cover.

Layout is as follows:

  • Back to Back  pages 6-3 runs Back to Back with pages 4-5
  • Back to Back  pages 8-1 runs Back to Back with pages 2-7
  • Back to Back Cover runs on Card Stock Back to Back with Flip of Cover document.

Assembly Instructions:

  1. Place on a flat surface so that cover will be on the outside.
  2. Place pages so that numerical sequences will be in order once folded in half.
  3. Simply staple in the center fold with a long reach stapler.


coverDown the Sawdust Trail Devotional [Optional]

Print & Layout for Down the Sawdust Trail Devotional

Sheets can be double sided run to use only three 8 ½ x 11 sheets. A nicer result is achieved if you use card stock for the Cover.

Layout is as follows:

  • Sawdust Devotional pages 8-1 runs back to back with pages 2-7.
  • Sawdust Devotional pages 6-3 runs back to back with Cowboy Crossword.
  • Sawdust Cover runs back to back with Flip of Cover “ How to Know”

Assembly Instructions:

  1. Place on a flat surface so that cover will be on the outside.
  2. Place pages so that numerical sequences will be in order once folded in half.
  3. Crossword page will be the center fold.
  4. Simply staple in the center fold with a long reach stapler.

trailtips iconHow to Deal with Personal Offences.

Romans 14:10 & 1 Corinthians 14:40 & Matthew 18: 15-17.

dsc0078320customThe Return of the King

Little Wranglers ages 4 & 5 years.

Lesson #4 in Series Be Brave, Be Bold.

Includes an activity sheet, lesson outline.

Excellent fun series utilizing The King & His Subjects.

Varmint Hunt Booklet YoungerVarmint Hunt Workbook - 1st - 6th Grade (Print Version)

Sheets can be double sided run to use only three 8 ½ x 11 sheets.

A nicer result is achieved if you use card stock for the Cover.

Layout is as follows:

  • Back to Back Varmint Hunting Manual pages 6-3 runs back to back with pages 4-5 [Center Pages with Puzzle].
  • Back to Back Varmint Hunting Manual pages 8-1 runs back to back with pages 2-7.
  • Back to Back Varmint Hunting Manual Cover runs on Card Stock back to back with Flip of Cover “ How to Know”

Assembly Instructions:

  1. Place on a flat surface so that cover will be on the outside.
  2. Place pages so that numerical sequences will be in order once folded in half. Crossword page will be the center fold.
  3. Simply staple in the center fold with a long reach stapler.

smokey cowhorse 0013Unbridled Fire Lessons Ages 7th Grade through Adults:

  • Standing in the Fire
  • Setting the World on Fire
  • Tested by Fire
  • The Finishing Fire

Suggest Using the Fire Brand Two Devotional in conjunction.

stormchasers1 bookcoverPDF version of Storm Chasers Manual for 1st to 6th Grade optimized for viewing.

Printing and Assembly Instructions See in Print Version.

ReleasedSeriesIconRRR: Resolved Lessons Teens

Three Lessons :

  • Stand your Ground
  • Resolved to Lift up Jesus
  • What Does God Expect of Us?

Also available in Little Wranglers, Wranglers, & Adults

Follow with RRR Return Lessons [or use RRR Redemption Lessons]

Biblical Figures 0018The Third Day: Adults

What part of "After the Third Day" don't you understand?

They were trying to make sense of it all.

Also available in Little Wranglers, Wranglers, & Teens.

War Heroes Impossibilities Crossword:WH1

War Heroes Impossibilities Crossword originally from WH Impossibilities Workbook to coincide with War Heroes One Series. Suitable as a supplement or stand-alone.


Thundering Herd Wranglers Lessons Ages 7th Grade & Up:Thundering Herd

  • Who is in the Lead? [Features Mustangs]
  • Where are we Going? [Features Quarter Horses]
  • Dead End at Box Canyon [Features Thoroughbreds]
  • Greener Pastures [Features Appaloosa Horses]

Lessons include Illustrations.

Suggest Using the Horse Sense Two Devotional/Workbooks in conjunction.

Sword of the Lord Series Lesson Seven:thomsons seasons 0012

New Testament Structure Part Two

  • One of Eight Lessons.
  • Each Lesson contains a Word-Challenge; Activity, or Extended "Helps"
  • Extensive Application Lessons on the Use of the Bible.

Lesson Seven deals with:

  • Relevance & Connection of Old & New.
  • Pauline Books & Letters
  • Book of Prophecy
  • EXCITING New Testament Match Challenge! Lots of Hands On!

Anger Mismanagement!Proverbial Cowboy Logo

Proverbs 29:22 An angry man stirreth up strife.....

  • Illustrates with a Riding Crop or Whip
  • One of Twelve Proverbial Cowboy Lessons/Messages
  • Choose One as a Stand-Alone or Use all 12!
  • Perfect for a 15 minute maximum lesson.

Joined the ChurchWranglerWarriors Icon

John 14:6 ...I am the way....

  • Eight Messages available in Wrangler Warriors Series or as Stand-Alones.
  • Utilizes a common dally [western illustration]. Easily explained for the non-western culture.
  • Each Lesson centers arount One point! Well illustrated! Easily Understood!
  • Available in several age levels with supplemental -optional worksheets.

wh2 ad coverConquest Devotional [Adults] with Printing Instructions.

Sheets can be double sided run to use only three 8 ½ x 11 sheets.

A nicer result is achieved if you use card stock for the Cover.

Layout is as follows:

  • Back to Back  pages 6-3 runs back to back with pages 4-5 [Center Pages with Puzzle].
  • Back to Back pages 8-1 runs back to back with pages 2-7.
  • Back to Back  Cover runs on Card Stock back to back with Flip of Cover “ How to Know”

Assembly Instructions:

  1. Place on a flat surface so that cover will be on the outside.
  2. Place pages so that numerical sequences will be in order once folded in half. Crossword page will be the center fold.
  3. Simply staple in the center fold with a long reach stapler.
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