SOLDIERSWrangler Church Workshop is a way for us to share with you the TOOLS and FREE RESOURCES we have accumulated throughout our ministry. We have one desire: To share these TOOLS so that you will have more resources to lead families to Christ.

Typical Schedule & Sessions Available:

Wrangler Church 101:

Thirty minutes of non-stop PowerPoint pictures & information on the BASIC & SIMPLE setup of a successful pattern for Children's Church. It is common to see attendees taking pictures, notes, & video as information quickly flows.

Leading the Entire Family to Christ & Family Discipleship:

The MOST important, most detailed session we offer is this Step by Step Session on leading an entire family to Christ via your Children's Church Ministry. This is the Wrangler Church Ministry Heart!

  • Detailed Hands-On Presentation
  • Free take-Home Helps for your Team
  • PowerPoint Step by Step beginning with Classroom Presentation
  • One on One with a Child
  • Repeats
  • Approaching the Family
  • Follow-Up
  • Large Group Responses

Illustrated & Arena Style Messages

Usually taught in a breakout session option.

Most of Ron's Lessons/Messages are illustrated. Illustrations are especially essential with children; but adults benefit, too.

We live in a visual culture. It's a must to be visual in you want you audinece to remember.

Ron takes some of his basic messages;shows you how he illustrates; and shares insight on how to illustrate a message in an arena, in a classroom, from a pulpit.

Planning & Implementing: Let's Get Organized

Usually taught in a breakout session option.

  • Newsletters/Social Media
  • Your Calendar of Events
  • How to SELL your Theme/Product!
  • Personnel & Organization

Basics of Bible Games/People Skits/Teaching Aids

Can be taught in a breakout session option of about 30 minutes.

  • Making Time Count; not Passing Time
  • Here's some Bible Games & How to Implement
  • Melodrama
  • Puppets
  • Activities that Teach Bible.

Vacation Bible School/Camp/Special Outreaches

Another Session taught & used Seasonally.


There are folks we can recommend that are willing to mentor you in setup and implementation of Wrangler Kids Ministry in various skills.

Check with us to see if they are in your geographical area. Some are extremely skilled in VBS; others in Puppets; others in Start-Up and Revamp.

We are FREE: It's Ministry!

You can contact us for more information at  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.